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Yoga Foundation course from Hatha Yoga

New Transformational Massage DVD produced by Eleanor £15, develop your massage skills at home with friends & family, or to support current therapists. Orders by phone 07817 227169

This course will resume in the new space numbers dependant in September 2016. This practical course is either for those interested in discovering if they may like to become a yoga teacher, or for personal interest and self-development. The training covers the anatomy of breathing, key postures, meditation, relaxation, safety in yoga, and much more.

The focus of the foundation course is fun and for you to build up a practical relevant portfolio of yoga. This knowledge can be used effectively in every day life, as well as in a yoga class.

Each session will comprise of practical studying of the Asanas (postures) and Pranayama (breathing techniques). Combined with the theory and philosophy of the topics outlined below. The sessions are held on a Saturday once month from September 2014 to July 2015. We will meet at 10.00am - 1:30pm with flexibility down to personal circumstance:

Session Theory Asanas
Sept The Physical Process of Breathing Tadasana / Spinal Bends
 Oct The Healing Value of the Breath Triangles / Side Bends
 Nov Stretching Safely into Asanas Warrior Postures
 Dec Vinyasa and modifications Spinal Twists
 Jan Guiding through an Asana Neck / shoulder postures
Feb Stress Reduction and Relaxation Cat / Bridge Postures
 Mar Meditation and Visualisation Upward / Downward Dog
 Apr Inspiration and Positive Thinking Dandasana / Seated Positions
May The Aura and Chakras Balance Postures
 May Self Development Yogic Text Inverted Postures
 Jun The Essence of Yoga Supine Postures / Savasana

   Practical Assessment (optional)


For this training you will need to bring a yoga mat, file, paper and writing materials and a smile! You will also be required to choose one of the following to enjoy studying:

Heal Your Life  by Louise Hay

Yoga, Body, Mind and Spirit  by the Sivananda Centre

Creative Visualisation  by Shakti Gawain

The total cost for this training course is £580 at the early bird price, cheques payable to Eleanor Jane Tovey in full before on on the first day of the course. Or £600 in three instalments of £200 at sessions 1, 4, & 7, for any more information please contact Eleanor. The practical assessment fee of £75 is optional and can be decided during the course.

To secure your place please pay a non refundable deposit of £50 to Eleanor Jane Tovey. The group will be no larger than 5 people, so that plenty of individual attention can be given, Thank You.

This course will enable you to go further in training to be a teacher if you wish.  Options to become fully qualified are available, this course does not offer Insurance for you to teach

Venue @ Rose Villa Henfield